Active Clergy Health Plans
VUMPI administers the Conference-sponsored group health programs. Benefit options include a choice of medical plans with prescription drug coverage, dental plans, and a vision insurance plan. The majority of the cost of the health plans is funded through the Active Clergy Health Plan apportionment, while the remainder of the cost is funded by participant contributions.
Health Plans for Active Clergy
Clergy serving full-time in Virginia Conference churches are eligible to enroll in the Conference-sponsored health plans. Plan elections may be made upon initial appointment to the church, and may be changed during the open enrollment period held in the fall of each year. An overview of the three health plan options available to actively appointed clergy can be found here.
2024 participant contributions, which are paid on a pre-tax basis through payroll deduction, can be found here.
Clergy Appointed to Extension Ministries
Clergy appointed to Conference-controlled extension ministries may also be eligible for the Conference-sponsored health plans. Please contact the VUMPI office to confirm whether a particular extension ministry appointment conveys eligibility for health plan enrollment.
For those clergy in extension ministry appointments who are eligible for the Conference-sponsored health plans, the same plan options are available as those made available to active clergy, as detailed above. The monthly participant contributions are also the same as those paid by clergy appointed to Virginia Conference churches.
As extension ministries do not pay apportionments, the Conference Health Plan fee is charged to the extension ministry for any clergyperson enrolling in the Conerence-sponsored health plans. In 2024, that fee is $988 per month.
Additional details regarding the health plan options can be found below